CJ Liu

Power struggles at home with your sex-ting kids and at work too



CYBERBULLYING/SEXTING: Your kids are likely more creative in the art of cyber deception than you. You will be shocked at all the ways they can run wild on the internet causing all sorts of trouble. Worse, it's impossible to catch them as they are technically smarter than you. J. Richard Knapp, a bully expert, discusses cyberbullying and how your kids innocent teasing of classmates could be considered cyberbullying. Maybe, they are a victim of cyberbullying and their reputation and ability to get a good job/get into a good school are being effected by cyberbullies. How can you protect your kids online reputation? BULLYING AT WORK: Most people assume that bullying stops after grammar school or High School. It doesn't. Bullys graduate from school and become bullys at work. Some times it's the nerds revenge in action and the "bullied child" becomes the bully at work. Maybe, you never considered labeling the jerk at work as a bully. But, indeed they are. Open your eyes and build your defenses against bu