What's Goin' With Owen & Maggie

Ep. 8: The Bane Skeleton Mouth Thing



Hey everyone! This was a fun one! The bulk of the discussion here is our thoughts on the Doctor Strange movie, the Doctor Strange: The Oath comic miniseries from 2006, and Doctor Strange as a character in general. Both reviews have spoilers! Don't like Doctor Strange? It's okay if you don't, he's kinda a jerk. We also talked about X-Men, and other stuff. Tune in next week as we recover from the worst election in American History by talking about the masterful Fraction/ Aja run on Hawkeye.  Topics: Maggie bought Funkos! Maggie's kids go on Disney-esque adventures Maggie went to a comic shop! Owen tries to sell Maggie on X-Men the Animated Series Maggie does not remember that time James Franco ate the pie. We talk a lot about the X-Men, it's a fun topic! Doctor Strange: The Oath comic review and discussion (spoilers: we liked it) Doctor Strange: the movie review and discussion (spoilers: we liked it)