Leather + Love

LEATHER & LOVE: EPISODE 1 – Fondue Forks, Consent, and Butt Sex



Logo by: Dan McDonald CLeather & Love is a podcast hosted by “Miss Aurora” and “Miss Teresa” – friends, collaborators, kink enthusiasts, and co-creators of the digital series Incredible Girl. It’s a podcast devoted to the intersection between kink and other parts of your life where they hope to demystify kink by talking about the ways in which kink and the mainstream can coexist. In the very first episode of Leather & Love, Miss Aurora and Miss Teresa discuss one of Miss Aurora’s favorite “pervertables” (a regular household item that can be used in kinky play), the fondue fork. They also talk about the importance of consent and negotiation when engaging in kinky play, and address a question from a Christian woman about anal sex.  Frank discussion of sexual situations and acts. Listener discretion is advised. EPISODE NOTES: Check out Incredible Girl’s video on the fondue fork (along with oth