3 Minutes With Kent

Introducing KCD Community Meetups



https://kcd.im/meetups Hey friends, sorry that I didn't get one of these recorded yesterday was just busy I guess but today I want to tell you about this new thing that I worked on this last few days called Meetups so you probably know what a meetup is or like what we typically think of where people meet up and and talk about a specific subject but I was intrigued by the app clubhouse that's been hyping up recently and the just the idea of getting people together to talk about things audibly and,I realized that like compounds doesn't do a whole lot more than what I have in my discord, but there are some things that I can do with my bot to facilitate that sort of experience for people more frequently and so I decided to work on that and that's what we're calling meetups and so meetups are like the the goal is to help develop friendships within the community to make the world a more pleasant place for all of us, so that's the basic idea, but what you can use meetups for is basically boundless so long as you're