3 Minutes With Kent

Introducing MDX-Bundler



Hey there friends. I'm just out doing some shopping and I thought I'd record today so right now I just want to talk about MDX Bundler. This is a open source library that I just created. Yeah a couple days ago and it's pretty cool. Basically a lot of packages and things that you have for compiling MDX. Oh actually if you have never heard of MDX, it's like marked down except it allows you to import react components and render those and what's awesome about that does it means that you.Get all the benefits of easy content creation and and management with markdown because it's just such a nice syntax for that. But then you get all of the flexibility of react components and so you can have really cool demos and things that are kind of interleaved with all the content that you've got. So MDX Bundler.Is kind of unique because it enables you to bundle all the dependencies for a particular post because what with MDX what you're looking at is actually like JavaScript. That's what it needs to get compiled into. And JavaS