3 Minutes With Kent

Lines of code !== Complexity



https://twitter.com/DavidKPiano/status/1361353521648590853?s=19 What up folks Happy President's Day for those in the US I wanted to talk about this tweet that I saw from David K. Piano that's his Twitter handle his last name is Korshid and the tweet is can we stop with the myth that more code means more complexity? Sometimes less code means more edge casings ignored which means willfully and dangerously ignoring complexity not reducing it. And he gives some a sample of some simple code that just awaits fetch from API and then returns the data and it's saying here are some of the ignored.Complexity error handling data validation timeout handling cancellation interruption, etc. I super duper agree with David here and I very often will have people ask me about the complexity of some code because there's a lot of it. And the code that they're talking about is maybe some class name for tailwind, you know, a tailwind has tons of class names or maybe they're talking about inline styles with the CSS prop or sorry CSS