3 Minutes With Kent

Code comments: tell me "why," not "what"



Code comments, they're important you need to have them but what you say in the code comment is important so I worked at a place where we were starting to transition to ES6 and you know from using var to constant lead and you know all the new cool features, you know, JavaScript and gotten a lot of new and interesting things in a long time and so we're all starting to use these new things and I saw a lot of comments from some of my coworkers about like basically describing what the syntax. Was doing because it was unfamiliar done oh so that was I was installing with NPM and so in the in the code you would just find all sorts of places where just described what the syntax was doing because we were we weren't used to it. I never wrote those comments because those comments were not really helpful and I would not recommend to anybody write those kinds of comments and like you could do the same thing for APIs to libraries that that you're using that you're not used to like or you know, you could say,Maybe you have a