3 Minutes With Kent

Different Problems, Different Solutions



Hey folks I know it's a little bit noisy I'm in my car with the fans on because it's cold I just wanted to mention something that I thought was going to interesting. I was just thinking about how sometimes we argue about taking it technological choices, like what framework we use whatever and I thought of a kind of a real world situation that is kind of like this and let's say that you're talking to somebody and they're talking about how much they love their truck and and it's just the best and they can do anything they want to with it, you know, like what the like whatever I my sudan is amazing theKnowledge all this stuff is amazing like it's does everything that I need to and you can like argue and argue all day long about why you're sedan is better your hatchback or you're or the track or whatever but at the end of the day these things serve different and use cases for different people and so just like there's no one vehicle that can solve everybody's problems and there's no one JavaScript framework or it'