3 Minutes With Kent

Don't build the solution before you understand the problem



What is up my friends all right, so today I wanted to talk about investing the time at the right and appropriate time so I actually talked with my friend Jacob about this and yo-yo Jacob if you're listening and just in general we're talking about you have this really big plan for a big and exciting thing and you want to like create a business out of it or you want to build a whole new application or something like that and so you have these really giant plans what I want to tell you is try to. Avoid doing as much work as possible and like sorry let me say that again try to avoid solving problems that you don't yet have but thank you will so you have really have to have a compelling reason to solve a problem that you think you're going to have rather than solving problems that you know that you have right now so let me give you example of this my sister about a year ago when covet started she is a violinist she's very good and she all of her violinist friends were just not doing great becauseCovid and everythi