3 Minutes With Kent

Where my money comes from: my transparency page



Hey there friend so today I want to talk to you about my transparency page. So I just added a new page to my website can't see Dodds.com slash transparency and I created this website or this page after I was thinking about something over the last few days about actually started with clubhouse. So actually, you know, what even before Covas I've always really been concerned about the incentives of companies. And how messed up incentives can give us companies that will pollute the planet and sell users.Data And so if you have the right incentives and you know like for example a company that includes the planet needs to pay for the cost of cleaning that pollution up if that were to be the case then we would not have nearly the problem that we have now. And so just getting an incentives aligned in in the right way can solve a lot of problems. However regulation isn't there yet and and I don't know if it ever will be and I'm not here to talk about politics or anything. But incentives are important and so as consume