3 Minutes With Kent

Rarely forEach, normally for..of



Hey friends. So today I wanted to talk about looping over a raise and stuff like that. And pretty much I'm mostly want to talk about for loops. Early on in my software developer career that's pretty much exclusively how I looked over things and I learned about filter and map and reduced and all of those things and for each and all that and I went full in on that stuff. More recently, I've been getting into using four of loops for stuff. And I find that to work out really nicely.To the point where I don't think you'll ever ever catch me use a for each on an array anymore I and like I can't think of a scenario where that would be more simple than just doing a four of loop. With potentially the exception of you've got a function over here already to find and you're just gonna pass it as the argument to for each. Maybe that I guess could make sense but most of the time I'm just gonna be using a forever. So anyway, I Yeah, I don't really have much more to say about that. It's just kind of.Something interesting to