Staying Well

Trick or Trouble: Life-Saving Advice for Your Pets this Halloween



Halloween can be fun and exciting for you and your children, but can cause stress and anxiety for your pets.Halloween can be a fun and exciting time for your family. You may also think to include your cat or dog in the Halloween dress-up and trick-or-treat rituals. Or, if you're in charge of candy distribution this year, you may think strangers in costumes constantly ringing the doorbell won't be a problem for your companion.However, without following safety precautions, your playful Halloween night could turn into a real-life nightmare with your pet seriously injured or sick.What specific candies are especially dangerous to your pets?When it comes to candy, you don't necessarily have to worry about your cat as much as you do your dog. Anything within mouth (or paw reach) such as chocolate, raisins, pumpkins, cookies, and other treats can be extremely toxic to your dog if ingested in large amounts. You also want to be careful of candy wrappers that are carelessly tossed in your house or throughout your neighb