Staying Well

When Do You Need CareFlight Air Responses?



If you have an emergency but cannot be reached by an ambulance, what are your options?What if you or a loved one had an emergency trauma but were out of reach of an ambulance? Are you able to be airlifted to the nearest hospital?CareFlight is a growing medical advancement that gives you quick and safe transportation 24 hours a day to the nearest hospital when you are unable to drive and don't have access to an ambulance.Miami Valley Hospital (MVH) started using CareFlight services in 1983 and currently serves over 200 hospitals and more than 700 fire and police departments. CareFlight is also equipped with mobile intensive care units (ICU) that have up-to-date medical technology and top emergency practitioners.When would you need to call CareFlight?Typically, CareFlight is used in any trauma: motor vehicle accidents, if you've fallen from a significant height, shootings or stabbings, and heart attacks or strokes.How much does CareFlight cost?Unfortunately, using CareFlight can be a little more expensive than