Staying Well

Adult Kidney Transplants: How Long Do You Have to Wait?



There are many who need a kidney transplant, but there are simply not enough donors.A kidney transplant is needed when one (or both) of your kidneys is infected and needs to be replaced by a healthy kidney from another person. A kidney transplant can come from a living or deceased donor.According to the United Network for Organ Sharing, there are 100,602 patients who are currently waiting for a kidney transplant.Unfortunately, the supply does not meet the demand; there are simply not enough donors. The trouble is finding an eligible donnor -- someone either living or deceased who matches your blood type.How long do you typically have to wait for a kidney transplant?Many people have Type A blood, so there are more Type A donors than there are Type B or Type O. If you have Type A or Type AB, your wait time could be a three months to a year. Unfortunately, if you have a Type O blood, you can be waiting for three to seven years.Where you live and your age also plays a major role in who can donate and your waiting