Staying Well

Do 12-Step Programs Really Work?



Studies have shown 12-step and abstinence treatments have low success rates.Alcoholics Anonymous, known as AA, was first originated in the 1930s in order to help those suffering from addiction. Throughout the decades, AA and many other 12-step programs have been the number one strategy used to fight and conquer alcoholism and many other addictions.However, researchers have been looking into the 12-step program to see if this is the best option for those looking to stay sober.Many studies have found the 12-step program method, specifically used in AA, does not always see successful results. In fact, these studies have identified success rates to be between five and ten percent.Why might this method fail more often than it succeeds?Some individuals might have a problem with how AA sets up its program; basically saying you are "powerless" against your addiction. Another reason why the 12-step program might fail is its faith-based principles. Some people have a hard time agreeing to this and "letting go" to a hig