Staying Well

Flesh-Eating Disease: New Treatment for a Scary Killer



Necrotizing fasciitis is a bacterial infection that can spread rapidly throughout your body and destroy its soft tissue.Necrotizing fasciitis, also known as the "flesh-eating disease," is a bacterial infection that can spread rapidly throughout your body and destroy its soft tissue.According to the National Necrotizing Fasciitis Foundation, the bacterium that causes necrotizing fasciitis is within the group A Strep bacteria, the same bacteria that can cause strep throat.With just a cut, burn or bump to your skin, bacteria enters your body and can cause this flesh-eating disease. Depending on how moderate the case, you can be treated with heavy antibiotics.However, delaying care can cause the disease to worsen, allowing the toxins from the disease to destroy the tissue it infects. As a result, your tissues start to die.Even though your chances of getting this disease are very slim, it's important to recognize the symptoms and what could be posing serious health threats to you or a loved one.NeutroPhase is the