Staying Well

Healthcare Reform: New Role of the Community Pharmacy



Your community pharmacist role is changing, for the better.Trying to understand and discuss healthcare reform can be confusing and frustrating. But a trend has emerged in healthcare, helping to ease some of the angst: an expansion of the community pharmacist.A community pharmacy is a pharmacy that deals directly with people in a local area. Responsibilities of a community pharmacy include counseling, checking and dispensing prescription drugs to the patients with care, accuracy and legality.The roles of these pharmacists are changing, for the better.Pharmacists now are providing more support than they ever have in the past. For example, community pharmacists give out immunizations and are more involved with patients. They provide ongoing support in order to maintain your individual health.Can a community pharmacist help advocate for patients?Community pharmacists put all their efforts into advocating for YOU. Whether it's helping you answer questions about medications, having a close relationship with your do