Susan Hyatts Rich Coach Club

#131: Why I Founded The University for Life Coach Training



Around 15 years ago, I was wandering through a bookstore hunting for something that would help stop feeling so stressed out, exhausted, and miserable.  A book literally fell off the shelf and bonked me on the head. Serendipity.  That book was my very first introduction into the world of life coaching.  Today, as a Master Certified Life Coach, I’ve had the privilege of working with thousands of clients both in my private practice and through my online programs and courses.  But let me tell you…once you’ve worked in a particular industry for nearly 20 years, you start to notice some inadequacies. You start to look around and go, “Well THAT ain’t right.” So, I did something a little crazy. The good kind of crazy. I founded The University for Life Coach Training. And today, I want to give you a behind-the-scenes tour. - RESOURCES The University for Life Coach Training Roadmap Get weekly motivational pep talks straight to your phone! Text Motivation to Susan at +1 (812) 408-1823. //MAKE A POWERFUL DIFFERENCE IN TH