One Minute Book Review

Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker



It is common for us all to know the importance of sleep, but do we truly know 'why' we sleep? Walker with the help of decades of scientific evidence highlights some of the misinformation surrounding sleep. In doing so, Walker emphasises its importance at all stages of life in humans and across the animal kingdom. From curing depression, helping the brain to curate memory and protecting our immune system accurately, sleep is the backbone to long-term health that many people neglect. What this book does well is informing the reader without overloading with scientific information. The use of examples of others who have suffered at the hands of sleep avoidance does a great job in supporting his arguments. I will admit that I didn't respect the importance of sleep, but this book has changed this. As sleep is common to us all this book is no doubt a must read for all. I rate this book five stars. --- Send in a voice message: