One Minute Book Review

Principles by Ray Dalio



Dalio known for his investing and entrepreneurial successes with Bridgewater Associates, analyses in this book what ‘Principles’ he has used to attribute to his success. These are the broken down into Life and Work principles where Dalio is able to explain in depth how we as the reader can benefit from his famous approach of meritocracy. Dalio describes how we can create our own principles from failures in our lives, so that, should we come across them again we know how to deal with them. From an entrepreneurial point of view this book has tremendous value as it highlights what business owners and managers need to focus on. For casual readers, there is little value in the technical business side of the book, however Dalio encourages readers to create their own principles rather than blindly following others. I enjoy reading books that make me question and reflect on my strengths and weaknesses, and this book is no exception. OMBR Facebook: Instagram:https://www.ins