Ruthless Compassion With Dr. Marcia Sirota

Lisa Berry - Opening your mind to new possibilities



Hey Listeners! We are so sorry for the delay on episode 11! We had a bit of technical difficulties but everything is up and running again! Thank you for your patience! On today's episode Lisa Berry discusses how you can shift your mindset to embrace new and wonderful possibilities for a healthier, happier and more loving future. Lisa Berry is an expert in breathing life into the dreams of those wanting to live vibrantly, energetically, happy and fulfilled while standing confidently and strongly rooted in their personal power. Turning up the natural light of hundreds of clients by helping them move through inspiration, motivation, and creation, Lisa fulfills her commitment as a Transformational Life Coach and Holistic Nutritionist. By supporting and taking each client through their " Stuck, Stagnant, or need a Shift " place in life, they experience their most desired result of what success means to them. As a soul beaming with light and celebrating life with others, Lisa recognizes her mission to find, help