Signposts With Russell Moore

Signposts: How Should Teens and Parents Address Sexual Sin?



How should a teenager who has sinned sexually respond in repentance? How should parents of struggling teens address sexual sin? In this episode of Signposts, I talk to both child and parents about what walking in light of the gospel means for addressing sexual failure. Listen below, and subscribe to Signposts to get new episodes automatically. ________________ Below is an edited transcript of the audio.  I received a question from a teenager who told me he had committed sexual sin, and is trying to think of what steps he should take next. He seems genuinely repentant and broken over this. And I also received a question from a parent of a teenager, who had also discovered their teen in sexual sin and are trying to figure out how to address it as parents. This isn’t the same family! But both this teenager and these parents are grappling with how they should respond to sexual sin. First, I want to address to this teen, and anyone who might be in the same situation he’s in. First of all, you should know the weigh