Signposts With Russell Moore

Signposts: Is There a “War” on Christmas?



Should Christians take offense when the signs say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”? If not, how can Christians cope with a rapidly secularizing public square? In this episode of Signposts I talk about what is and what is not evidence of a transforming culture, and the right way Christians ought to respond to both. Use the links below to subscribe to Signposts and get new episodes automatically when they publish. Below is an edited transcript of the audio. I found myself really, really irritated one day. I was on a plane, and they had one of those airline magazines, and I was flipping through it, and there was an advertisement from Budweiser, I think, one of the beer companies, that had the headline, “Silent nights are overrated.” And then I flipped the page a couple more pages through, and there was an advertisement for this really expensive, high-end, outdoor grill, and it says, “Who says it’s better to give then to receive?” And my response is Jesus is the one who says it’s better to give than