From The Bottom Of The Record Box

Pool Hall Richard and Tobin are our cuts from the family playlist



This week we plumb the depths of the family playlist and unearth two blinders. The eponymous Pool Hall Richard and Tobin respectively. Richard has been spoilt somewhat in the family playlist as there are some excellent tracks out there with Richard in the title. And Pool Hall Richard is no exception. However, Tobin finds the similarity in characters astonishing, and obnoxious. To be honest, it's an unlikely enough event to even have found a track entitled Tobin. Moreover, he actually stars twice in the family playlist, but that's for another episode of the show. It's a bit of a bloodbath this week on the show as the ever combative Richard doesn't mince his words at some of Tobin's tracks. Both Cigarettes After Sex and Party Pupils and MAX come into Richard's firing line. But that's in stark contrast to the universal appeal of Pueblo Café; dirty and often comical street music with mariachi and New Orleans jazz flavours, it's an excellent listen. Pueblo Café means that we haven't quite lost To