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Your Words Have Influence - Use Them On Purpose



Being able to effectively communicate your ideas, both in writing and in public speaking, is one of the most important skills for any successful person. The watchword here is brevity – far too many aspiring thought leaders fail to recognize the importance of maximizing as few words as possible. In a time of increasing options for how people can spend their time online and what content they have at their fingertips, it is more important than ever that you can quickly and succinctly distill any message you want to relay to an audience. In many cases, you will only have one or a limited number of opportunities to reach an audience you are targeting. It’s on to you to do everything you can do to maximize the potential power of these interactions. View the full post and video here:  Summary: Some of the most powerful tools at your disposal are your words. Nobody else is going to be able to communicate the power of your business venture better than you can. It is increasingly common for busines