Live Rich

Don't Forget To Live Your Dreams As You Build Them



It takes time to build a dream. But you need to take the time to live it too. It may seem counterintuitive to mention to-do lists or prioritizing in the context of living a fun life, but learning how to focus on a few key priorities – and minimizing needless burdens on your time – will help ensure that you have more time for building memories. View the full post and video here:  Summary: With your sights focused on building a successful and independent future, it can be very easy to put off living in the here and now. Fun and relaxation might seem like something you are working toward in the distant future, not a concern you have time for right now. But the truth is that tomorrow is guaranteed for nobody. Life doesn’t need to be such a slog. The reason to achieve success is to be able to enjoy it and to build happier lives for your family and friends as well. Vacations, time out to recharge, hobbies – all of these will not only keep you sane and balanced, but will very likely be rejuvenat