Live Rich

Time To Decide - Who's In Control?



The only way to gain control over your life is to assert it. You cannot wait for anyone’s permission or dutifully pass the time until it’s your turn. There will always be an abundance of people in your life more than willing to make decisions about how you should best be spending your time. Drowning out those voices and following your heart is a necessary step to launching your way on the correct path. Listen to learn ways that you can asset control over your life and carve out your path to success on your own terms. View the full post and video here: Summary: Who’s in control of your life? Who calls the shot? Can you honestly answer that it’s you? Or is it another person in your life? Your boss perhaps? A significant other? It may not even be a person at all – it could be alcohol or television or envy itself. Many of us sleepwalk through our lives because we don’t feel like we are truly in control. We have plans and goals, but still find ourselves somehow carrying out someone else’s agen