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How To Think Like A Pure Genuis



Take a page from the thought processes of the geniuses who have gone before us, to elevate your game and mind power! Prepare to be bold and think outside of the box, even if it means straying into some areas of thought that scare you a little bit or can ruffle feathers. We remember geniuses precisely because they were iconoclasts and ran against the grain of what was considered to be the bounds of acceptable discourse in others’ eyes. Remember to roam widely beyond your comfort zone and area of expertise, as this may well give you some very valuable insights into your primary area of interest. A common link among geniuses in wildly disparate fields is that they draw connections and see synergies that others miss. If creativity can be defined as the fusion of two existing ideas, geniuses are those who are adept at combining what other people have already done to create something new. Listen to more about how to think like a pure genius and take your game to the next level... View the full post and video here: