Live Rich

Never Stop Learning



You will always have an insurmountable advantage over others if you are committed to continually learning more about your work and what drives you. There are plenty of resources and strategies you can take advantage of to help you keep learning and ensure that your education is an ongoing strategic component of your wealth plan. View the full post and video here: Summary: Those who read are those who lead. Too many of us allow the project of our self-education to fall away after we formally graduate from school. We would all be better served to remember that the process of education should be considered a lifelong activity, not just something we engage in for a few of our formative years. By dedicating yourself to always learning more, you will be a better entrepreneur and a well-rounded individual. We are fortunate that, today, due to the growth of online communities, there are more options and opportunities than ever to continue to learn and grow mentally, thanks to all of the technolog