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Financial Myths That Are Holding You Back



Recognize the financial myths that have been holding you back, and take charge of your financial future.Don't be limited by these common misperceptions. View the full post and video here: Summary: We all love stories. From the beginning of our society, they have helped us connect to each other and find meaning in the world. But what kinds of stories are you telling yourself about your money goals and your plan to reach them? Learn to be aware of these stories – and how to discern the truth from fiction. Too many of us continue to indulge in “happy think” and mythology about where we really stand rather than face a potentially unpleasant reality. It may feel good in the short term to tell ourselves what we want to hear about where we stand, but we are only doing real damage to our prospects over the long run. Is saving the same as earning more money? Can you achieve success all on your own? Have the limits on how much you will be able to earn in your life already been set in stone? Do you h