Live Rich

Accept No Limits: The Power of Making Your Own Rules



A key difference for high achievers is that they won’t accept limits – not on their ambitions and not on their income. They don’t stop dreaming even when they awake – and they take deliberate actions toward making their dreams reality. View the full post and video here:  Summary:  The power of dreams is that there are no limits to what is possible. You can do anything and go anywhere. You are limited only by the power of your imagination. What do high achievers across all disciplines have in common? They refuse to ever wake up from their dreams. They don’t accept limits and they won’t bow to conventional wisdom.  They don’t care a wit for following arbitrary rules that only put shackles on their ambitions and income. In short – they refuse to accept limits. And yet too many of us have resigned ourselves to waking from our dreams. We bring a worker’s mentality to the world. We think about our future gains in terms of promotions and raises – instead of thinking outside the box. Instead