Live Rich

Captain or Passenger?



See the full post here: Summary: Who’s in control? Are you the captain of your life or merely a passenger? Do you allow outside forces to determine the direction of your life. Are you letting happenstance, random circumstance or perhaps someone else decide on your route and destination in life? What would it mean if you were the one in charge? For some people this may seem a little frightening at first. Being in charge means that you are solely responsible for your own results and there is no one else to blame when things aren’t going well. When you’re the captain it’s really about taking responsibility for the direction of your life. So ask yourself, are you the one currently directing your future, making a conscious effort to move yourself toward a particular destination or goal? An important part of taking control and being the captain of your own life is analyzing your current situation honestly, and then clarifying exactly what it is you wish to create for your future. It’s then a