Bc Humanists Podcast

Inspecting the House of Prayers - Teale Phelps Bondaroff



At the end of November, MLAs voted unanimously to begin every day's sitting of the BC Legislature with "prayers and reflections" rather than "prayers." The change followed the publication in September of the BC Humanist Association's landmark House of Prayers Report. The Report examined the transcripts of 873 prayers said in the legislature between October 2003 and February 2019. It also included a thorough consideration of the various arguments against the practice and provided a series of recommendations for reform. Dr Teale Phelps Bondaroff was the lead author on the report and visited Vancouver from his home in Saanich to speak about the report, changes since the report and some of BCHA's ongoing work on these issues. Dr Phelps Bondaroff, is an experienced researcher with a PhD in politics and international studies from the University of Cambridge and BAs in political science and international relations from the University of Calgary. He is currently serving as the Research Coordinator