Russ Rantz

Episode 39: The Pilot Hustler (Guest: Ajit Oommen)



You know how sometimes you meet someone who, after talking with them for a bit, you can't help but feel inspired, challenged, or like there was a fire lit under your hineY? Well, that's EXACTLY what this week's brings to the table! It is my absolute pleasure to present Ajit Oommen. This gem of a human being has been a longtime supporter of this podcast's platform, and one of my biggest cheerleaders. BUT, here's something else I want you to know: Ajit PACKS A WALLUP of passion, wisdom, and insight into the realms of business, dreams, and HUSTLE!  Yessir, Ajit is a man of grit and determination, and it is my hope that after listening to this episode some of it rubs off on you as well. We tackle topics on today's billionaires, the lack of morality with business, and yet the moral compass that business exposes. Ya, it gets pretty crazy.  Enjoy, and please consider following if you'd like to further support Russ Rantz!