Medical Breakthroughs From Penn Medicine

Addressing Breast Cancer's High Recurrence Rates: The Breast Cancer Translational Center of Excellence (TCE)



Host: Barnett Mennen, MD Guest: Angela DeMichele, MD, MSCE Penn Medicine’s Breast Cancer Translational Center of Excellence (TCE), known as the 2-PREVENT TCE is led by Drs. Lewis Chodosh and Angela DeMichele. 2-PREVENT TCE aims to address one of the greatest challenges in breast cancer treatment: the high rate of relapse and late treatment effects among breast cancer survivors. Host Dr. Barry Mennen welcomes Dr. Angela DeMichele, the Alan and Jill Miller Endowed Chair in Breast Cancer Excellence, Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology, and Co-Leader of the Breast Cancer Research Program at the Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania School Of Medicine.