3 Minutes With Kent

Using patch-package to workaround a create-react-app issue



Hey friends. So today I was working on a little problem that I had with Create React app. So if you don't know Epic React is a combination of a bunch of React workshops that I have given many times in a life setting and it's a recorded version of kind of a live workshop that's kind of the feel. Anyway, all of the workshops there are powered by create react app under the hood and I've got a abstraction on top of that to share a bunch of code between all these different workshops.So I am in the process of moving everything over to TypeScript and I want to be able to have two different versions of TypeScript or of texture configuration for the exercises versus the final version. So I want to make sure that as we're moving everything over to TypeScript if you don't want to do TypeScript, it's as like easy as possible or if you've got very limited experience or no experience with TypeScript, you should still be able to get a lot of out of the workshops without having to have a bunch of red squigglies all over the