3 Minutes With Kent

esbuild is a FAST bundler ⚡



Hey folks, so today I want to tell you about ES. Build so if you haven't heard of ES. Build it's been making a lot of noise recently. I think it's I I didn't check but I think it's been around for at least a year. I think is the first time I heard of it. But basically, it is kind of you you can think of it as a bundler like webpack but written and go and apparently go as much better suited for bundler tasks because it is wicked fast. Like I've tried it myself and you think that it's broken.Because it's so fast like you think it just didn't run and because you execute ES build and it's instantly done. It's it's outrageously cool. And so it's starting to take over I've noticed in lots of different areas like the new meta frameworks that I'm seeing are using ES build bite the the view meta framework tool. I think it's like gonna be the new view CLI or something eventually but it's powered by ES build Remix, they're currently working on moving over to ES build. I I'm using ES Build in MDX Bundler and a couple of