3 Minutes With Kent

When is a good time to buy a stock?



Hey friends So today I'm going to talk about investing. And so, let's just like close your eyes maybe and imagine with me a graph of the stock price of any stock. Typically, it's going to have some ups and downs and things and let's say that the point at the end is at a certain level. And I want you to imagine or to answer me the question. When would have been like thinking historically, when would have been a good time to buy the stock. And in your mind, you might be looking at some of the dips in the price of this stock.You and you might be thinking oh like very at the very beginning it would have been really good to buy the stock. The answer that question is actually any point where the stock price is less than you think it's going to be in the future. That's the answer to this question. So when is it a good time to buy a stock? It's when you think the stock price is less than it is going to be in the future. So the best time or a good time to buy this stock, you know, of course the best time to buy the st