3 Minutes With Kent

Rendering react elements with ifs, ternaries, switches, or object properties



Hey there friends. So today I'm going to answer a question from Lean or Leon I'm not sure how to say your name sorry but this is asked in the react hooks channel of the discord the KCD discord under the Epic Reactive category and it's talking about exercise six where we show it's it's an exercise on managing state for asynchrony, so we've got to use effect in there and stuff. And we have this status status and that is the status of the promise. So whether it's idle pending reject,Ed or resolved and we render different things based on that. And in my solution, I just do an if statement. So if status is idle, then this outsift status is pending then render this also status is rejected then do this. And that I I was pretty happy with that. But I there are obviously several different ways to do this and one natural thing that people sometimes will do is a switch statement which is what this individual suggested why don't we do the switch statement, but then they got some pushback on that. Hat from a co-worker. I