3 Minutes With Kent

Why I no longer use newspaper code structure



Hey there friends. So a while ago, I wrote well actually several years ago. I wrote a blog post called a newspaper code structure where I described the way that I like to structure my code to basically make it. I don't know easier for me to parse as I come into a new file and the idea is that anytime I have some sort of block of code that returns some value or whether that be a function or a module where your exporting values and stuff. I always,Like to do the the thing that it returns or the exports at the very top of the file and the reason for this is in a newspaper article and they make it they write it so that they add just kind of a high level first and then they slowly fill in with details and the reason they do that is so or at least maybe they used to do that this way is so that you could clip the article at any point to size it for where it needs to be and it would still be coherent to make sense. And in the same way I like to make my code so that it makes sense.Reading from the top down and if you