3 Minutes With Kent

Neural nets podcast recommendation



https://youtu.be/gzq5AFCH5jk Hey, you're folks. So today I listened to a podcast interview. It's about 50 minutes on. And it is on a podcast called Tesla daily. I which is a kind of interesting daily podcast about tests huh? But normally it's it's like a 15 minute long thing, but this one was 50 minutes and it was an interview with this fellow by the name of well, it's not showing the full name here. James Duma and yeah, I,Don't I've never heard of this person before but they are really great at explaining neural nets and so I wanted to share this with you wanted to um, just encourage you to go give it a listen. Some of it was like hmm, I'm not sure I get this but after like thinking about it more and and listening carefully to that James explain it, um, I I feel like I have a much better understanding of neural nets now than I did before and I thought that you all find that to be kind of interesting, so I'm gonna include a link to theIt's on YouTube I I'm guessing this is also gonna be published as part of t