Kate Hastings Show

I'll start tomorrow"



Nobody feels like a champ about who they are 100% of the time... “Ill do it when I’m feeling healthy” “I’ll start tomorrow” “When I have the money” “I’ll start after the weekend” How many times have you heard this? How many times have you said it to yourself? It’s easy to forget that we don't have endless "tomorrows". Days become weeks… Weeks become months… Months become years… And there you are... still the same person mentally & physically when you first said the excuse. If you keep putting off the things you need to do for yourself and health… You'll never become that version of yourself you've always dreamed of. The game is to become aware... Understand why you feel that way... And work to improve the areas you aren't satisfied with. Attack, burn, and destroy those parts. Don't just accept your shortcomings as if there is something wrong with you... There are things messed up with all of us... But you need to understand this... Your life/health is an ongoing project.... A marathon... Start takin