3 Minutes With Kent

Watch the Remix Beta Release live stream today



Live stream link: https://youtu.be/4dOAFJUOi-s Hey friends. So today is an important day for a friend of mine. Our friends of mine Michael Jackson and Ryan Florence are releasing the beta 1.0 release of remix. And if you've been watching my Twitter or just kind of me in general, I've been really excited about remix. I've been reading writing can't seedance.com to remix and it's just been a total joy. I am super excited about the potential that remakes has and really excited about the approach that they're taking and.From a progressive web app standpoint whatever So if you're listening to this on the same day that I'm recording it then don't miss their live stream that's happening later today because it's going to be great. I'm certain of it like they haven't given me a preview or anything but I'm sure it's going to be great. And I really encourage you to give some serious thought to remix as an option for the apps that you build in the future because it's phenomenal. The their approach to focusing on the foun