3 Minutes With Kent

I encourage you to get into (burnout free) open source



Hey friends so I wanted to talk a little bit about open source. I have been doing open source for almost as long as I've been doing software development. And it has been just an enormous benefit to me. I I can't tell you how how much I've learned and how much of what I know I learned through open source and so I strongly advise people to get into open source for various reasons. In particular, like it makes you a better software developer, you write higher quality software, you can reuse the software that you create.In a other projects and so yeah it's a lot of fun to get involved but a lot of people ask me how well there's there's two sides of this how do I get started and then how do I make sure I avoid burnout as that is the thing that happens for open source developers. It's a pretty thankless job in general like that, you don't get financially compensated most of the time and stuff. So first of all how to get involved. I have a blog post that goes into more depth on this. It's called what open search pro