Grace At Fort Clarke Podcast

Awakened to Hear God's Voice



Do you know that God speaks your name? That Jesus calls out to you with words he has for you personally, specifically? How do you know the voice of the one calling you? This isn’t just something cool to realize—it’s life to hear the voice of God. And it is something he wants to waken you to practice. QUESTIONS: • When you were little, were you able to hear your mom or dad calling your name, even though others were speaking? Are you able to pick out your child’s voice in a crowd? • Do you believe God knows your name and speaks to you? How has he spoken to you in the past? What have you heard him speak? • How do you test the voices to know you are hearing from God and not your own wishes, or the crowd’s voices? • What would it take to quiet yourself to hear his voice? How would this affect your prayer life? Your worship? Decisions you are making in life?