New Dimensions

The Greatest Threat To Humanity Is Itself



We live in an age of technology and science that has transcended all previous times. There are rainmaking devices, robots that comb the ocean floors, forays in medical research, and enough collective know-how to make Einstein appear average. Society has convinced us that the more we add or control, the more we will find the answers to all of the questions that have eluded the people of the world since the beginning of the ages, the ones of meaning and a deep inner peace. Listeners to this show will be elucidated that what we seek cannot be obtained, as it can’t be worked harder for, bought, or added. They will be inspired to raise their awareness that God put the hidden treasure inside each one of us. The episode will highlight the pilgrimage that our lives become, and how living by the ways of society has created the unrest, hopelessness, and anger that now grips the world.