3 Minutes With Kent

Notes Driven Development



https://youtube.com/c/RyanFlorence Hey friends So I was watching a live stream from Ryan Florence last night while I was putting my kids to bed They were falling asleep and I was in the room to make sure that they didn't go all whacko and stuff while they're trying to fall asleep. And so I was just watching Ryan codeps some stuff. You should check it out. Actually Ryan has gotten some really good live streams recently, especially if you're interested in remix and stuff. And and actually sometimes I'll just watch it during the day. I'll just have it on in a different tab while I'm working and if I hear something that sounds interesting I can go over there. So, it's kind of fun and interesting.And and yeah it's kind of fun to be on this side of the live streaming stuff at home but anyway one thing that I noticed that Ryan doesn't and I've seen him do this any time that I've seen him code not just in this livestream. So he's been doing this for a while as far as I know. But he has this document open in his edito