3 Minutes With Kent

Write that blog post



https://kentcdodds.com/blog/solidifying-what-you-learn Hello friends So recently somebody asked on the KCD discord whether they should bother writing a blog post because the topic had already been covered a thousand times by other people who may have more experience in whatever. And I shared with them a blog post that I wrote quite a while back called solidifying your understanding or something like that. And in it I mentioned a an interesting phenomena that I'm sure you've noticed sometimes you will be walking down the street and you'll see there's a McDonald's I really like a burger or whatever but then right.Next to it, you'll see a burger king. And then like we wonder sometimes like why would Burger King put a building here if there's a McDonald's right next door like they already solved the I need a burger problem why why would they bother doing that? And the reason is because people's taste are different and people enjoy the the burgers, you know, or whatever quizzing you want to use as an analogy here.