Everything Hertz

131: Long live the overhead projector!



Dan and James answer listener audio questions on indirect costs for research grants, the mind/body problem, and why many academics aren't trained to teach. They also profess their love for the overhead projector Some more details: * Should we require universities to justify overhead costs, like heating and electricity? * Overheads can inflate the costs of grants, some grants provide an additional percentage for overheads but others don’t allow this, which can eat into grants * Get to know the people in your local grant office! * Indirect costs at MIT (https://ras.mit.edu/facilities-and-administrative-fa-rates) * A primer (https://web.mit.edu/fnl/volume/295/zuber.html) on indirect costs and why they are important to MIT * Does it matter that we address the mind body problem in psychology? * On the teaching of the history and philosophy of science (or lack thereof) in psychology courses * Why aren’t academics better equipped to teach? * The 3Blue1Brown YouTube channel (http://www.3blue1brown.com/) Other lin