E-com Sales Tax

What if You’ve Been Making Sales for Months/Years in the Past and You’re Facing Significant Sales Tax Exposure if You Get Audited? You May Want a VDA. Here’s What a VDA and What You Need to Know the Process



With the new sales tax laws coming into play all the time, more and more businesses are realizing that they may have exposure in a sales tax audit for taxes that were not collected for months or maybe years in the past. Businesses may want to get registered now and start collecting tax, but face a real dilemma when it comes to the question that comes up on every registration form: “When did you first begin doing business in this state”. If a business answers this with a date months or years in the past, then the state will bill them for the tax (plus penalties and interest). This can create a terrible hardship on businesses if they have to come up with sales tax from prior sales out of their own pockets. So what is a business supposed to do?  Andy and Dan have been helping clients for years determining their nexus and calculating their exposure they might have in the separate states. If your exposure is great enough you may want to request a Voluntary Disclosure Agreement (VDA) with a state. Listen in and lea